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Growth stories from the WordPress ecosystem | Edited by Lawrence Ladomery
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WordPress News | 20 March 2024

Jeff Chandler joins Mindsize in Outreach Coordinator role

Image of a seedling

The founder of the WP Tavern will be responsible for partnerships, collaborations, and seeking out opportunities in the WordPress community and beyond.

Mindsize, founded in 2017, is a US-based agency that promises highly scalable and performant ecommerce solutions. They are WooCommerce experts and contribute generously, setting aside 10% of their time to give back.

They work with other platforms too, including Shopify, Craft, and BigCommerce.

Jeff announced his new role on X:

Planting seeds

Before joining Mindsize, Jeff was working as a Marketing Generalist at StellarWP, where his responsibilities were spread broadly across multiple projects and brands. The new role is much more focused on what Jeff acknowledges as one of his strong points: planting seeds.

At my last job, I was often asked What do you like doing here? What career path do you want to pursue? These questions were asked shortly after I was hired, and I haven’t had an answer until now. It turns out that I enjoyed planting seeds…

… Seeds can germinate into a business opportunity, a great relationship, a partnership that mutually benefits both parties, and a potential acquisition target in the future, but it all starts as a seed.

It will be interesting to see Jeff’s efforts extend into the non-WordPress space (unless his role focuses 100% on WordPress).

Jeff also publishes The WP Mainline, a collection of commentary, news, and community related to WordPress. He originally founded the WP Tavern in 2007, which he sold in 2011.

I’ve reached out to Jeff for comment and to learn more about what his job entails and will update the article when I hear back.

Links & Further Reading

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