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Lawrence Ladomery
23 July 2024

Google will not kill cookies afterall…

Instead, Chrome users will be prompted to opt in or out.

Anthony Chavez, vice president of Google’s Privacy Sandbox, said:

“Instead of deprecating third-party cookies, we would introduce a new experience in Chrome that lets people make an informed choice that applies across their web browsing, and they’d be able to adjust that choice at any time”

Here’s his post: A new path for Privacy Sandbox on the web

It’s still not a done deal – they are discussing this new approach with regulators.

It’s also too early to speculate whether this means that it’s business as usual or whether businesses will still need to adapt to a new approaches and new solutions (that have been developed in preparation for a cookie-less world). We will have to wait and see how many people decide to turn cookies off.

In the meantime, businesses who are setting themselves out to capture first-party data should not change their plans. It’s still a solid strategy to adopt.

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Lawrence Ladomery
17 July 2024

Must read: Can a 1985 Marketing Playbook Fix Measurement Problems in 2024?

From the Content Marketing Institute:

“Marketers should stop using attribution models and return to a 1985-like measurement model if they want their brands to succeed in 2024 and beyond.”

That is, before the internet and the ad / distribution channels telling us that we can measure campaigns accurately.

Can a 1985 Marketing Playbook Fix Measurement Problems in 2024?

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Lawrence Ladomery
9 July 2024

Google Zero-Click search study: for every 1,000 searches, 360 go to the open web

SparkToro and Datos (a Semrish company) have compared searches that end with a click with those that don’t, giving us insight into the former too:

Here are the key numbers (for American searches):

  • 41.5% of searches feature a click (70.5% of which go to the open web, 1% to ads, and the rest to Google properties)
  • 37.1% end up with.. no click
  • 21.4% end up with another search

So, 58.5% are considered Zero-Click searches.

Source: 2024 Zero-Click Search Study: For every 1,000 EU Google Searches, only 374 clicks go to the Open Web. In the US, it’s 360, by SparkToro

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Lawrence Ladomery
20 June 2024

OpenOrigins promises to safeguard the world’s content

“OpenOrigins is a solution to safeguard against manipulated and AI-generated content. We prove the authenticity of digital media to enable trust in content. ”

From: OpenOrigins

My fear is that authenticity is going to lose value. People are not going to care if something is true or not, as long as they can get a fix of whatever content, notification, Like, etc… comes next.

But it’s a battle worth fighting. Particularly if live off the content you produce.

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Lawrence Ladomery
29 May 2024

Google Search API documents leaked

Rand Fishkin of Sparktoro (ex Moz) has written a great piece explaining what these are and what we can learn from them.
Here are the main headings of the article:

  • Navboost and the use of clicks, CTR, long vs. short clicks, and user data
  • Use of Chrome browser clickstreams to power Google Search
  • Whitelists in Travel, Covid, and Politics
  • Employing Quality Rater Feedback
  • Google Uses Click Data to Determine How to Weight Links in Rankings

If you’re short of time, skip to the Big Picture Takeaways for Marketers Who Care About Organic Search Traffic part.

Read the article: An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them

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Lawrence Ladomery
25 May 2024

38% of webpages that existed in 2013 are no longer accessible a decade later

Interesting article from the Pew Research Center:

When Online Content Disappears

However, there’s no big conspiracy here:

In most cases, this is because an individual page was deleted or removed on an otherwise functional website.

The article covers links on government and news sites, as well as referencing a surivival analysis of Twitter / X posts:

  • 1% of tweets are removed within one hour
  • 3% within a day
  • 10% within a week
  • 15% within a month


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John Ocampo
21 May 2024

Storyblok’s State of CMS 2024 report

It makes an interesting read, and there are 6 references to WordPress.

You have to submit your details to get the report. But worth it:

State of CMS 2024 report


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Lawrence Ladomery
17 May 2024

Event: Monetization Week – Charting Publisher Success

A State of Digital Publishing event is coming up soon: 21 – 27 May, Online

The program features five days of 1-hour sessions: presentations, panels, and workshops. You can register for a single session or the entire event.

I’m unsure if it’s free or not. I can’t find any pricing. Either way, State of Digital Publishing events are always great. If you are a publisher they are a ‘must-attend’ event.

More info here: Monetization Week – Charting Publisher Success

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Lawrence Ladomery
13 May 2024

Read first: About the Scrapbook section

Drop anything interesting AND relevant here.

For example,

  • A link to a really cool advert you saw on YouTube
  • The latest Google changes
  • A new tool that you have come across

Please note: if you’re posting about your own company or efforts use the Member News section instead. Anything spammy is not allowed.

For your reference: the Community Rules.

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